Aplikasi International



Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

Plugin Tercepat Sesuai Pengalaman Saya Sebagai Master Blog International

Plugin Tercepat Sesuai Pengalaman Saya Sebagai Master Blog International
Browser :
Opera Mini PC Versi 15 :D

Adblock Fast

oleh rocketshipapps
Pendapat: 4,0
Jumlah total pendapat:26 Menginstal
Just as webpages grew bloated with ads, so too have ad blockers grown bloated with little-used filtering rules and features that sap their would-be speed and hog your computer or device’s disk space, CPU cycles, and memory. Adblock Fast runs a mere 7 optimized filtering rules to accelerate pages 8x more but consume 6x less system resources than other ad blockers do.
Hak akses
Ekstensi ini akan mengakses data Anda di semua website.
Ekstensi ini akan mengakses tab dan aktivitas browsing Anda.
Screenshot untuk Adblock Fast
 Thumbnail untuk screenshot Adblock Fast   Thumbnail untuk screenshot Adblock Fast
Tentang ekstensi ini
150,9 KB
Pembaruan terakhir
3 Sep. 2015
Halaman source code

Adblock Fast
Stuff is about to get a whole lot faster!

Adblock Fast is so fast that even reading the effing manual takes no time flat. Here’s everything you need to know.

Adblock Fast just installed a button in your browser’s toolbar. The button will indicate the status of each site and page that you go to from now on:

Ads are being blocked on the site and ads were found on the page.
Ads are being blocked on the site, but no ads were found on the page.
Ads aren’t being blocked on the site, but ads were found on the page.
Ads aren’t being blocked on the site and no ads were found on the page.
If Adblock Fast interferes with the behavior of the page, you can click the button to unblock ads. Your setting will be remembered whenever you’re on the site again.

If you have any questions or comments, you can send us mail at help@adblockfast.com.

Link Download :

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